crafted by photobiz

About Us

I received my first camera from my grandfather at age 12. It was a free gift from his subscription to Time Magazine. It was plastic with a dial on the front with three settings, night, sunshine, and cloudy. My passion for photography began with the turning of a simple dial from sunshine to cloudy.

Later in high school photojournalism, our instructor gave us one sheet of photographic paper and a shoebox with a pinhole. He asked us to make a “remarkable” image. Many students were stunned at his request. As a prerequisite for the class, we had all purchased cameras. Some student’s cameras were fancier than others, and some were used while others were new. Yet we all started equal with just a box taped closed and our imagination. A remarkable image at 16 was a pretty tall order, or at least I thought so. What would the teacher find remarkable? What could I find in thirty minutes without leaving campus? I struggled with what I thought he would find extraordinary. I started walking and looking for that special something. I found it in a field next to the school that I walked by everyday. One tree stood alone. In black and white I could see the image in my mind. I removed the tape over the hole and exposed the paper. I went inside into the darkroom to process the image. Standing over the tray and seeing on paper what I had seen in my mind was remarkable. I was hooked from that moment on.

Today, I am fortunate enough to have many of the fancy gadgets and gizmos. Even I admit, they do make capturing the technically perfect image easier. The perfect image for me has never been about high dollar lenses and f-stops. I learned that a great photograph can be taken with anything even a box. It just takes opening your eyes and mind to find an image that might otherwise go unseen.

I love photography and that means I have fun. It is so much more than just a job. I currently show my art work at Greenhouse Art Gallery at 716 W. Alabama. It is a coop of fabulous artists. I have a link posted in the link section along with a distinct few services providers that I can honestly recommend. I am an award winning photographer and belong to the following organizations:

  • Professional Photographers of America
  • Greenhouse Art Gallery
  • Galveston Art League
  • Sylvan Beach Art League